As it turns out, in California the answer is probably “yes”:
California bill decriminalizing personal use of psychedelics, magic mushrooms heads to Newsom’s desk
Nah…. more homeless drug users won’t “immigrate” to California as a result of this bill, will they?
I love this quote from California Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher:
“If Democrats don’t think this will make things worse, they’re hallucinating…”
Bizarrely, democrats had another take:
Democrat State Assemblyman Scott Wiener, who introduced the bill, argued that veterans and first responders struggling with PTSD, depression, and addiction “deserve access to these promising plant medicines.”
WTF? Veterans and first responders – like military personnel and police officers? People with guns and PTSD? Do we really want them hallucinating on ‘shrooms?!? And should people suffering from “…PTSD, depression and addiction…” really be allowed to self-medicate without doctor supervision?
In truth, I’m all for people being able to take any reasonable drug that they want – even psychedelics. It’s their body and mind. However it should remain illegal for people to use such drugs in public, as it endangers them and others. Also, any users of such drugs should be restricted in their use and possession of firearms (particularly in California).
Any bill that permits the decriminalization of such drugs should include a stipulation that the use of these drugs in the public space is still illegal. This would keep drug use by homeless in the public space an offense that – if the cause of their homelessness – can be used by the courts to direct them into appropriate treatment.