Reverse desegregation

The California State University Los Angeles and the University of Connecticut have both established on-campus housing restricted for occupation by African-Americans only. At the CSULA, this is touted as a “safe space for [black students] to congregate” and avoid the “microaggressions” from their white classmates. At the University of Connecticut, the housing is restricted further to African-American males only.

This reverse desegregation (self-segregation?) is troublesome for me. I believe it will foster animosity rather than friendship and further the divide between people of all races. In addition, I believe that it will lead to calls for other “exclusive” living quarters, as evidenced by one University of Connecticut student’s comment: “What about black women and girls – what about us?” Any number of other race-based groups could demand similar accommodations.

Special accommodations based on race serve only to accentuate our differences rather than our similarities and provide fodder for racists. They should be discouraged whenever possible, and alternatives developed to promote inclusivity over segregation.

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