Democrats claim that Trump went to Wisconsin:
“…like an arsonist pouring gasoline on the flames for political advantage…”
Uh… a couple of points:
1) The rioters so revered by the left are literally using gasoline.
2) The author (no surprise here…) compares Trump’s actions to those of Alabama’s Governor George Wallace – a Democrat – during Wallace’s attempt to prevent desegregation of southern schools. Really; you can’t make this s**t up – the Democrats are actually trying to disparage Trump by comparing him to a… Democrat.
3) The author goes so far as to use fictitious quotes that they would attribute to Trump had he actually been present at these events. They seem to simply be making this all up as they go! How much do you want to bet that tomorrow liberals will be citing these quotes a fact rather than hyperbole?
Read this piece if you really want to understand the dark heart of the political movement working to unseat Trump. You should be afraid – very afraid – if these people come to power.