Racism will not end racism

Biracial UT pageant winner slammed as ‘not black enough’ on Twitter

Diversity is not achieved by demanding segregation, or by the self-imposed isolation brought about by such restricted-race contests . This pageant, while ostensibly open to all, is racist on its face. It is particularly disturbing that the pageant had been provided a solid opportunity to bridge the racial divide by accepting the duly-awarded winner; instead, the results were called into question based on the winner’s race. How is this not to be seen as racist?

When events such as this race-specific pageant occur, ask yourself the following question: If you went through the description of the event and replaced the word “black” with “white”, or “African-American” with “Caucasian”, would you be offended by the result? If so, do you think that such events will encourage diversity, or foster racism?

More racism will only create more racists. Not a smart move if you truly want diversity…


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