“A banana republic, if you can keep it…”

Using our legal system to jail political opponents for protected speech? And these same people are calling Trump a fascist? Really??

Dershowitz slams GA indictment, says Trump used same tactics as Al Gore in 2000: not a ‘crime’

(Full disclosure: I have not yet read the GA indictment.)

I don’t care how much you hate Trump; this is getting ridiculous. When even staunch democrats like Alan Dershowitz side with Trump, it’s a clear sign that something is wrong.

The article cited above also notes that the Georgia prosecutors had inadvertently posted their indictment – before the grand jury had even voted. From the article:

The district attorney’s office erroneously posted an indictment document earlier on Monday prior to the grand jury vote. They reportedly said that document was “fictitious” and it was taken down off the website. 

Dershowitz had the following response regarding this farce:

“Nobody should take the indictments at all seriously, because they announced the indictment before the grand jury even voted. So the grand jury is just a rubber stamp. And so, nobody should say, ‘Oh, the grand jury indicted, so it must be serious,’” Dershowitz said.

“It’s not the grand jury who indicted, it’s the prosecutors,” he added.

Well, at least we can still be a shining example … for banana republics everywhere.

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