Why do we worship stupidity…

…and then financially support it via a GoFundMe page?

Woman who styled hair with Gorilla Glue attempts to remove it, documents trip to hospital emergency room

Whatever happened to learning valuable life lessons by paying the price for our errors in judgement? Today we instead put them on the Internet and ask people for money to watch. I guess we are truly a civilization in decline.

Update: Now the woman is contemplating a lawsuit against the manufacturer of the glue, ostensibly because the directions say not to use it on the skin but say nothing about hair. Really; that’s how stupid Americans have become – we have to tell them not to use glue in their hair or risk a lawsuit. Makes a good argument for tort reform, though…

Uncommon sense prevails

No more “My Internet doctor says I’m too crazy to fly without my dog” program at Southwest:

Southwest to ban emotional support animals

Service animals allowed on flights will be limited to dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for individuals with disabilities

I’m all for allowing trained service animals to travel freely with their owners. But just because you can’t bear to leave your dog at home doesn’t mean they should fly for free (or roam the cabin at will).

You’d think they’d have learned…

… after the CNN/Donna Brazile fiasco regarding the 2016 presidential debates:

Debate moderator Steve Scully raises eyebrows with tweet asking Scaramucci ‘should I respond to Trump’

Steve Scully believes Scaramucci tweet was result of a hack, ‘authorities’ investigating, C-SPAN says

C-SPAN suspends Steve Scully indefinitely after he admits he lied about his Twitter being hacked

The most interesting point regarding this story? I found NOT A PEEP of Steve Scully and this Twitter fiasco in a search of the NPR web site (searched for Steve Scully, and also just Scully, on the NPR web site and received no relevant hits).

No bias in the news? Really? Yeah, that’s what I think, too.

Blatant pandering

I saw a Biden ad a day or two ago that appeared to blatantly buy votes – with your money. Really; I’m not kidding. Now, to be fair, I don’t have a recording of the ad and I was busy with another task, but what I heard disturbed me greatly.

To the best of my recollection, with the disclosure that I don’t recall exactly what was said in the ad but that this is what my brain interpreted as the message (and might well have been the actual words used):

“The wealth pay more, and you benefit.”

Do we not see the danger in such political claims? If not, let me clarify – there will always be someone who thinks it’s you who are wealthy by comparison.

[Edited 8/8/20 to clarify/correct the statement made in the commercial]