Should the education system be partisan?

I’m a bit concerned that the U.S. education system is dominated by democrats; I’m even more concerned that democratic socialists desire to dominate the education system so that they can push their political system onto young minds (“Why Socialists Should Become Teachers”).

I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: Why is diversity of religion/race/ethnicity important, but diversity of opinion is not?

Who gave him the gun??

It really grates at me when people complain about gun crime, then take no action against those who supply criminals with guns. Case in point:

Arkansas man who murdered toddler in road-rage killing gets decades in prison

The offender in this case allegedly has a serious criminal record, including domestic abuse and armed robbery. How did he obtain the firearm used in this crime? Since he would be prohibited from purchasing one legally, someone else had to provide it to him. Who? And why aren’t they in jail?

Do you really want to prevent gun crime? Then start throwing in jail those who provide guns to criminals. FOR EVERY CRIME INVOLVING A GUN, where the criminal was otherwise prohibited from owning or purchasing a firearm, the investigation should not be concluded until the gun is traced to its provider and that person jailed, too.

Freedom of the press

I’m a supporter of both freedom of the press and freedom of speech. However, there is no right to demand an audience for your questions or to commandeer a venue for your speech.

CNN reporter banned: Fox joins outcry after exclusion from White House event

If you are a guest at a venue I control and you walk around yelling questions at me, it is likely that I, too, will ask you to leave and ban you from future events.