Krazy Kalifornia

The California government doesn’t seem to understand the law of unintended consequences. I predict that this latest law will simply result in an increase in sales for large trucks with even larger bumpers. “Roadway hunting” will become a new sport in California – and the only “hunting” license required will be a driver’s license!

New California law to allow drivers to eat roadkill

A word about… Assault Weapons

Beto has started a firestorm by calling for the confiscation of AR-15 and other military-style “assault weapons”. However, his words are just the rhetoric of a demagogue intended to rally those less informed around his war cry. For Beto and others, it’s just a means to a political end.

The misuse of these firearms in highly-visible criminal activity – most notably mass shootings – is tragic. However, the highly-publicized nature of mass shootings exaggerates their role as a cause of death. For instance, nearly ten times as many people die each year in non-boating drowning accidents than are killed by rifles of any type, including “assault weapons”. In reality, these firearms have proven themselves to be useful tools for hunting, target shooting – and yes, self defense – but are rarely used in crime. Because of the disconnect between perception and reality regarding these firearms, it might be prudent to take a closer look at one of America’s favorite rifles.

Continue reading “A word about… Assault Weapons”

What is a “…fair share…”, Bernie?

Bernie’s on a rage demanding that the “wealthy” start paying “…their fair share of taxes…“.

What’s a fair share, Bernie? From a previous post on this blog:

The truth is actually the other way around: the top 1% of earners in the United States paid 35.7% of all income taxes in 2016; less than 5% of tax returns paid more than 57% of all taxes; barely 17% of tax returns paid 80% of all taxes. Out of more than 150 million tax returns for 2016, 50 million paid no taxes at all.”

How about the middle class starts paying their “fair share”, Bernie?

Twitter censorship

Twitter locked Senate Leader Mitch McConnell’s campaign account for threats made in a video posted to his feed – threats made against, not by, McConnell. The video shows far left protesters saying things like “just stab the motherf—er in the heart,according to at least one source. Just too embarrassing to Twitter-supported causes to be left up for all to see?

Twitter locks Mitch McConnell campaign account for posting video of protesters at his home

I’ve expressed my concerns previously about such activities by the de-facto means of communication that have become Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. And you were worried about Russian interference with our elections…

A review of past articles

Here is a compilation of recent articles that are worth reviewing, either because they are timely or just generally important topics:

Socialist dogma:

Universal Basic Income
The fallacy of rent control
The autocracy of liberalism
If you build it, they will come (part II)

Freedom of speech

Fascism v. Freedom of speech
Censorship via platform exclusion
Violence as a response to speech
Gab & free speech

Why aren’t we celebrating?

From NPR:

America Is In Full Employment, So Why Aren’t We Celebrating?

We’re not celebrating because the liberal press will never attribute any good to policies that lower taxes or reduce government oversight. Oh, yeah – or to Trump.

An excerpt:

“Unemployment has reached a nearly 50-year low. The jobless rate for Hispanics has never been lower; the past two years have been the best job market ever for African Americans. Wages are starting to rise — and, more significantly, for the lowest-paid workers.”

So celebrate, already. Stop worrying about who will get credit and start worrying about how we can keep it going.

“Dubious” science?

I wonder if this “study” was funded by the taxi industry:

How clean is your Uber or Lyft? Study finds ride-shares full of germs

A quote from the article:

For the study, NetQuote — an insurance provider — took swabs of multiple surfaces in nine different vehicles to compare the number of germs in ride-sharing vehicles, rental vehicles and taxis.

Nine whole vehicles? Wow – that should be enough to characterize the millions of vehicles in the United States, don’t you think? As a scientist, I am skeptical…

I wonder what kind of results they would have obtained if they included a few minivans owned by families with school-age children?